cosy wine bar for friends, lovers and wine enthusiasts in berlin schöneberg. wine + apéritif.
m. goeckel x vin/eau/pain

we meet up, drink a glass of wine or two, have good conversations and the later the evening, the deeper the conversations get and the more intimate our relationship with each other becomes. "la beauté est au bout de la nuit."
red, white or rosé? be an early bird and come to the soft opening in december. see you.

wine from wherever it tastes good to us, mineral water from the french alps and sourdough bread from local bakeries. tous les jours: vin/eau/pain.

book a table or find out more about wine tastings and delightful cooking events on french cuisine. www.vineaupain.de

... or simply browse through the shop and find wine that you recently enjoyed at the bar. works well as a gift, too.

we care about details and even if wine is the focus - we also work on many other touchpoints for a sophisticated brand experience. we are vin/eau/pain.

and for those who can´t make it to the bar: instagram stories with updates and extracts from our daily doing. #vineaupain